Tap to reveal your fortune…
⚠️ Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. Our crystal ball passed “Divination 101” but failed “Advanced Reality Checking.” For actual fortune-telling, please consult your nearest optimistic fortune cookie! ⚠️
🔮 How to Consult the Mystical Crystal Ball 🔮
1Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think of a question. (Warning: Thinking too hard may cause accidental adulting)
2Click the crystal ball or press the “Reveal My Fortune” button. (No need to shake your device unless you’re also making a smoothie)
3Wait for the magical color-changing lightshow. (It’s like a rave party for fortune-seeking electrons)
4Read your fortune and gasp appropriately. Practice your “I totally knew that!” face for best results
5If you don’t like your fortune, try again! Our crystal ball has short-term memory issues and won’t judge you for fortune-shopping