The Choir That Won’t Stop – Dear Diary

A Haunting Echo of Revelation

Diary Entry – May 1979

Dear Diary,

It has been awhile since I wrote in you…

I thought I could escape it, but it’s happening again. That strange, heavy feeling that something is about to go wrong. And now, it’s always accompanied by that haunting choir—the children’s voices that echo in my ears, like they’re warning me. It’s the same music that played in The Omen, that terrifying sound I can never forget. I tried to convince myself that it was just in my head, that maybe I’d watched that movie too many times or let the fear of it take hold of me. But I know better now. This is different.

The problem is, I can’t separate it from everything we studied in youth group. The Book of Revelation, the signs of the end times, the prophecies about the number 666—it’s all swirling together in my mind. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I’m caught in something much bigger than myself. Maybe that’s why I’m so scared. It’s not just a movie—it’s what the Bible says. And every time I hear that music, I can’t help but wonder: Is this some kind of warning? Is it trying to tell me something?

Last night, it happened again. I was out with my boyfriend, just trying to enjoy the evening. We drove up to our usual spot on the hill, the one where you can see all the lights of the town below. Everything was quiet, peaceful. But then, like clockwork, that uneasy feeling washed over me. And then I heard it—the choir. Those voices that have been haunting me for months now. They seemed to come out of nowhere, soft at first, but growing louder, more insistent. I tried to ignore it, to push it away, but I couldn’t. I knew something was wrong.

I told my boyfriend, but he just rolled his eyes. “Not again,” he said, like I was making it all up. He doesn’t believe in any of this, and I know it’s starting to drive him away. I can’t blame him. Who would want to stick around when their girlfriend keeps talking about hearing creepy music and feeling like something terrible is about to happen? But I had to check. I couldn’t just sit there, listening to those voices, knowing deep down that they were trying to warn me.

I convinced him to drive back into town. As soon as we got there, we saw it—an accident. A car had crashed through someone’s house. I didn’t need to say anything. The timing, the feeling—it was all too much to be a coincidence. I knew the moment I heard that choir that something bad was coming. I always do.

I can’t stop thinking about Revelation and everything we learned. The signs of the apocalypse, the things that are supposed to happen before the end of the world. I used to think it was just something we studied in church, something far-off and almost imaginary. But now… I’m not so sure. What if these feelings, these warnings, are connected to something bigger? What if I’m seeing the signs, just like in Revelation?

I don’t want to think about it, but how can I not? Every time I hear that music, my mind goes straight to those terrifying verses about judgment, the end times, the number 666. I’ve been afraid of it ever since we learned about it, and the fear just keeps growing. I feel like I’m being pulled into something I don’t understand, and I don’t know how to make it stop.

I wish I could just shut it all off. I tried so hard to block it out, and for a while, I thought I’d succeeded. I managed months without feeling like this, without hearing those voices. But now it’s back, and I can’t help but wonder if it ever really went away.

I don’t know what’s coming next, but I’m scared. I’m scared of what I might hear, of what I might see. And most of all, I’m scared of what it all means.

Kay xo